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Joint research project between Denmark & Tanzania examining how ordinary people in everyday life engage in humanitarian crisis in Tanzania

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Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania (EveryHumanTZ) is a joint research project being conducted by researchers from public Universities from Denmark and Tanzania aiming to explore and understand the practices of everyday humanitarianism and the attitudes that ground them. The project is based at Copenhagen Business School and at the University of Dar es Salaam, also including Roskilde University, University of Copenhagen and London School of Economics.

EveryHumanTZ project seeks to understand how people interacting in everyday situations respond to crisis situations (emergencies/disasters) outside of the formal structures of humanitarian assistance in Tanzania. Such quotidian humanitarian acts have too often been overlooked, with humanitarianism being frequently explored in a North-South perspective, based on the assumption that humanitarianism is carried out as acts of ‘rescue’ in the Global South by organisations funded and dominated by the Global North, with the focus being often placed on the recipient.


Challenging these assumptions, EveryHumanTZ project engages with the concept of Everyday humanitarianism (Richey, 2017) offering three central contributions. First, it explores the everyday humanitarian actions of ordinary citizens, outside of institutional and formal structures and documenting the increasing diversity of actors undertaking interventions in development and humanitarianism contexts. Second, the project explores these responses in a Southern context, not though the typical Northern perspective. And third, EveryHumanTZ focuses explicitly on the givers as well as the receivers. Our project thus emerges as the first study to focus on the multitude of private Southern givers, not only receivers of humanitarianism with explicit attention given to the agency of the Tanzanians as givers who shape relationships, local economies and politics.

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©2023 Website design by Pernille Bærendtsen. EHTZ logo by Peter Assenga. Photos in header by Pernille Bærendtsen. Credit of text and photos otherwhere on website and social media is applied respectively.

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